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Free Chord Company Speaker Cable

November 1st, 2018

Free Chord Company Speaker Cable.

We are pleased to announce a fantastic offer when you purchase any new pair of Bowers & Wilkins 700 Series loudspeakers.

Between the 1st November 2018 and 31st March 2019 you receive a free contribution towards a new pair of Chord Company speaker cables, as outlined below:

Bowers & Wilkins Speaker Contribution Towards Cable Recommended Cable Price Per Metre (Unterminated)
702 £400.00 Epic Twin £50.00
703 £400.00 Epic Twin £50.00
704 £280.00 ShawlineX £30.00
706 £160.00 Clearway £10.00
707 £160.00 Clearway £10.00
HTM71 £100.00 ShawlineX £30.00
HTM72 £100.00 ShawlineX £30.00

The recommended cable above is just a guide as you can purchase any speaker cable within their range, and if required, just pay the difference.

Chord Company can factory terminate the cable for you if required, which comes in at £8.00 per ChordOmhic Banana Plug for reference. Spade and BFA plugs are also available.

You can view the entire Bowers & Wilkins loudspeaker range by clicking here.

You can view the entire Chord Company cable range by clicking here.

The contribution can only be used towards Chord Company speaker cables (not interconnects etc) at the time of purchase and cannot be taken as a cash discount. Any contribution not used cannot be transferred. 

Please contact us for more information if required.

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