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Celebrating Our 40th Anniversary

January 25th, 2025

40th Anniversary Event.

Hamish first opened the Sound Organisation in York on Christmas Eve 1984, then in a much smaller shop at 36 Gillygate, so for this impressive milestone we held an event on Saturday the 25th January to celebrate our 40th anniversary...having decided that people might have been otherwise occupied on Christmas Eve!

We'd like to thank everyone for making the special journey to celebrate with us, and with an estimated 200 visitors throughout the day we were certainly busy at times! We had the very talented Simon Snaize playing various sets throughout the day and Karen Manley of Tastes Divine providing our excellent canopies.

We hope you enjoyed the event as much as we did and look forward to seeing you all again soon!

From all the team at the Sound Org

Hamish, David, John, Bob and Matt

1st Prize for our 40th Anniversary Raffle.

Congratulations to Ken who won the first prize in our 40th Anniversary raffle - a pair of Focal Bathys headphones! Many thanks again for attending our event and glad to hear you had a good time. Here's to another 40 years!


40th Anniversary Event.
40th Anniversary Event.
40th Anniversary Event.
40th Anniversary Event.
40th Anniversary Event.
40th Anniversary Event.
40th Anniversary.
40th Anniversary.
40th Anniversary.
40th Anniversary.

Monochrome photos courtesy of @dockeford

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We're open Tuesday to Saturday between 10am and 5.30pm, and closed on Sundays and Mondays.